Friday, January 6, 2012

Resol- say what?!

Who does resolutions anymore?! Not this gal! A friend of mine actually said that if she keeps her resolution longer than a kardashian marriage - she'll be happy!

Let me back track .. How was New years?? I've been kidnapped by my kindle fire .. I'm serious!
I think i'm up to 8 books that i've read since my husband Santa brought me this pretty amazing thing ;) Too bad school starts again next week and that will have to take my time up!

Natalia had a great Christmas as well. The way she lit up when she saw that "Santa" dropped off all those presents just for her. Oh, that smile just melts my heart <3

The night before Christmas eve my two of my girlfriends came over with their 3 & 1 year olds and we had dinner, some wine (of course!) and then the kids helped bake a birthday cake for Jesus.! I have some pictures that I need to upload.. I'll get to it!

New Years was actually pretty quiet this year. I went to my best friends parents house where they had a small just family gathering. We have been best friends for almost 20 years so I count as family! Her parents were born and raised in Jamaica and came to NY and then VA when they were teenagers and her dad joined the Air Force. If you have not had home cooked Jamaican food ..... You are truly, truly, missing out on some pretty great food! Finger licking good!

What about you guys??

Love, Love

Mrs. W :)

1 comment:

  1. awww, sounds like your Christmas and your New Years was awesome! and i know exactly what you mean about Jamaican food, sooo good!

    Happy New Year!
