Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas- really love it. Going to church to celebrate Jesus' and all the family time. It is pure magic to my heart!

Here's a couple sneak peeks from my sister's camera :)

Oh, and Santa brough me the kindle fire. I love, love, love it ;)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas in 9 days?!

According to our hanging Santa countdown hanging on the wall .. Christmas is in 9 days! Really?! Is everyone ready? I'm actually done with all my shopping.. completely done! This is a first for me. I'm usually running around crazy on Christmas Eve at Target like a looney. I'm serious.. My poor husband will vouch for me!

In some aspects, I feel like this year flew by me. Although it could be that i've been so incredibly busy this year. I'm hoping 2012 slows way down. Maybe baby? ;) My mom seems to think I'm selfish if I don't give Natalia a sibling like I had... And she is 5. Good timing? We shall see!

In other ways, I feel like this year has slowly crawled by. I know, I know. Contradiction anyone?!

I can't wait till 2012 to make a post about everything that went on in 2011.. Trust me when I say that I've been so busy... Well you can tell by my lack of posts :(

In other happy, exciting, news. This cute perfect husband/wife combo to the side... decided to start trying for a baby! I'm so excited for my baby sister and her husband. They will be the PERFECT parents! Hurry up already! I need a niece or nephew to love up on!

In other news- Dear Commonwealth of Virginia,
Why must you have beautiful weather like 70 degrees one day this week and the very next day you give me 45 degrees?! Do you really like giving my allergies a run for their money??


Mrs. W :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

25 Things !!

I've received a couple requests to join in on the "25 things to know" group!
Of course I can't say no! Ready to learn all about me?!!

1. My 5yr old daughter makes my whole world worthwhile.
2. I simply adore my husband. He's perfection!

3. I work in Property Management.
4. Growing up, I wanted to be a judge!

5. I'm a Libra .. & love it!
6. I had always thought I wanted just one child... But maybe not ;)
7. I am weirdly obsessed with Sex & the City. As in I have watched every episode at least 20x each!
8. I recently joined the gym this year - Hello?! Why didn't anyone tell me that it's actually fun to work out?!

9. I love to read. It calms me down and is a good stress free activity.
10. I love trying new restaurants.

11. My favorite is Korean food - All.the.way!
12. I never liked hot foods - now i'm addicted to buffalo sauce on my chicken.
13. I randomly surprise my husband with all new weird, random, facts that I know.
14. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday.
15. You would be surprised to find what's on my ipod. Everything from country, Christian music, rap, r&b, old school.. etc.
16. I am a walking jukebox. Music is love!
17. I believe that everyone should be a NY Yankee's fan <3
18. My husband has given me a new found love of football.
19. I have some amazing friends.

20. I love seahorses. They fascinate me!
21. I don't leave my house without my purse, my ipod, cell phone, and lipstick.

22. My favorite thing to make is Zeppoli - Italian donuts. Delicious!!
23. My husband wants twins .. I think he is crazy :)
24. Shopping is one of my favorite hobbies!
25. Family .. is my everything ♥

Monday, November 21, 2011

Who's excited for Thanksgiving?!

I pretty much LOVE Thanksgiving... for a couple of reasons:

#1- There is so much family time. Who doesn't love that?! My sister bestfriend will be coming this Wednesday with her hubbs and staying till Sunday. Girls weekend!!

#2 - Um, hello?! Of course the food! I do not belong on Top Chef, but I will be whipping up stuffed peppers wrapped in bacon, spinach articoke dip, and greenbean casserole. We always celebrate Thanksgiving at my parents so I try to do my share!

#3- The holiday that comes next ... Christmas. I am a lover of all things Christmas :) It is without a doubt- my favorite time of the year.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I am one of those weirdos that loves Black Friday?!! Well, let me backtrack. I will not be standing in for hours & hours & hours on end. That disrupts my family time! But... I may or may not be standing in line at Target around 9 waiting for the store to open at 12 ;)

What do you plan on doing this week?!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lover of all things makeup!

Don't get me wrong .. I actually don't wear any type of foundation or blush.

But, I am a lover for all things eyeshadow and bronzer. A hint of color on the eyes can make almost any shirt look good!

And i'm not talking that it has to be top dollar eyeshadow, but Target brands will do just fine!

Speaking of top dollar ... & it really isn't THAT top dollar, but my new current favorite are some of the M.A.C colors. If you haven't .. you have to check them out!

Anyways, thought i'd toss that idea out to you while i'm making that Santa list for the husband!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is it me?!

Do you ever go to write a post and take forever just to name it? Or ... is that just me?!

How about.. Do you ever sit back at the end of the day and realize that you did so many things that day that it's hard to name them all? I feel super accomplished today!

Natalia and I got up and headed out the door to her dance practice. In addition to her regular Tuesday classes she will be having Saturday practices the next 4 weekends to prepare for the Christmas recital. We were out by 12:30, sat down for some amazing Mexican food for lunch, got in-and-out of Target, and even pumped our breaks long enough for me to grab Starbucks all before 2! I got some housework done..which included about 3 loads of laundry. Is it me or does laundry seem like the most never ending chore ever?!

Anyways, it's 11pm .. and I'm just now enjoying some Mommy time! I promised my dear husband that I would get my Christmas list together for Santa ;)

Here's a picture of an upcoming exciting post i'll be blogging about soon.. My younger sister married the love of her life on August 15th in Marco Island, Florida in an amazing destination wedding. Pure perfection! By the way, do you like my new, dark do? I just love the side updo that I had that day! So beachy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It is definitely a problem ...

When you only have 10 posts in 2011! Am I officially the worst blogger or what?!

We have SO much to catch up on!! Between work, school, being a wife, and being a mommy, I feel like there isn't enough hours in the day to blog. But don't you fret - I am starting my New Years resolution 2 months early!! I am going to be the best little blogger around ;)

Anyways, believe it or not, but I actually have a trillion blogs that are sitting in the draft file just waiting for that "publish post" button to jump out!

So, what I am meaning to say is... forgive me?! I am sifting through so many pictures that I will start posting soon .. promise!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mini Vaca!

Ah, the joy of having a nice mini vacation! Instead of the norm 3 day weekend I took a 5 day weekend :) Where did I spend it?

Charleston, South Carolina!

Ever since I first visited while helping my little sister move there with her hubby I am in love with this new place! The shopping, the beaches, everything! It's definitely my new fav vacation spot since it's only 6.5 hours away!

My parents, my nephew, Natalia and I headed there early Friday afternoon to spend the holiday weekend with my sister and her hubs!
Here they are hanging out on the beach. Totally love them!

We did just about everything while there.. shopped and pool 2 days in a row, did some golfing and hit up a local fun park where I practiced my baseball a dress of course!

I wish Hubbs could have been there..but someone has to be out there protecting our freedom! Love you babe :)

How was your 3 day weekend!? I've gotta hit the Tivo before bed. I've missed some addicting real housewives of NJ/NY shows the last 2 weeks!! By the way, if you watch... Which city is your favorite?!

Monday, June 27, 2011

This time last year ....

Is it strange that at this exact minute a year ago I know exactly what I was doing?
Actually, this picture was around this exact time.

Hubbs and I were in Puerto Rico boarding our cruise where we would spend the next 7 days/nights traveling to 7 different islands in the carribean. It was perfection...I would say pure perfection ... but that happened the day before.

I seriously can't believe that yesterday was our very first anniversary as husband and wife.
I know that it's totally cliche to say that it the time fly by ... but goodness gracious it did!
I love the hubbs more and more with each passing day. I have decided that we will stay newlyweds forever! Who says that there is a time limit on the mushy way that you are while being a newlywed?!

I had been wanting another wedding band and what do you know .. it was my anniversary gift!
Along with a $300 spa gift card to my very favorite spa ever! husband !!
To me, it's not even about the gifts.. It's about the vows that we said on that day. I love being married :)



Thursday, June 9, 2011

YES! I'm still here!

I've been a bad, bad, bad blogger the last month...or two!
You know it's pretty bad when the hubbs even mentions that I haven't blogged!
I've been here every couple days blog stalking ;)
Life has just been SO hectic lately! I can't believe that in a little over 2 weeks will my my 1 yr anniversary!! Where has this past year gone? It's crazy! Natalia graduated from preschool last week. Seriously can't believe that my baby turned 5 in April and then GRADUATED from preschool. I mean really what next? College? Sure does feel like it!
& of course the parents are just shy of begging us to have another one. We'll see ;)
I'll have to post some pics of Natalia's amazing birthday party and little mini graduation this weekend. I promise!
I'm planning an amazing anniversary present for the hubbs but can't say JUST yet. He tends to cyber stalk my blog every now and again :) But I am pretty excited about it. Just.Saying!

Mrs. W!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sneak peek!

Sneek peek of some pictures from our 2nd half of vacation in Charleston, SC. !!!

We did some shopping at the outdoor mall and Natalia spent lots of fun times at the playground. The weather was amazing and we couldn't leave without hitting the beach at least once!

Will defintely be a busy week back at work...I'm not ready yet!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Real housewives of the blogger world!

I am totally addicted to reality tv. I understand that there is more educated television out there, but why miss the excitement of reality tv?! I'm even more addicted to all the housewife shows. NYC used to be my fav until Bethanny left. I.LOVE.HER !!! Now im thinking that BH takes my #1 spot. Does anyone else besides me watch these?! Anyways, I watched the premier of NYC last night and again confirmed what I have pretty much always felt.

Jill really annoys me. I have to quote Ramona when she says "Your just a mean person" If you watch the show and have an opinion on Jill... let me know!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Loving.Vacation !!!

Hey, remember me?! I've totally been MIA lately... i'm sorry! Let's all forgive me ;) I've been so busy lately - there have been many new additions to my company and i've been all over helping out. It's been a ton of fun helping, but definitely lots of work! For awhile there I almost forgot what my office looked like! So after that I decided I needed a long, well rested vaca! I planned a 10 day amazing vacation! We spent the 1st five days in Florida. We flew in last friday and stayed with a friend of mine and her husband. They have a son whose the same age as Natalia and a 10 month old adorable little girl! It was pure bliss for those days! We had SO much fun! Today we got to the 2nd half of our vaca - Charleston, South Carolina to visit with my sister and her husband. Another five days of planned fun! I promise to include pics when I get home!! Mrs. W ♥

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Most Delish looking cupcakes!

This my friends... is called a cupcake in a jar. There aren't enough words to explain how much I love a good cupcake. Love. Love. Love them!

I usually fall asleep at night to food network. I woke up last night and saw most delish looking thing on my flat screen. Talk about love at first site! I actually rolled over and typed in the name of the bakery into my phone so I would be sure to remember to google it today. Yes, i'm weird-- but I warned you that I love cupcakes!

So anyways, this cupcake in a jar is made by Yummy Cupcakes in California. Good news ... they ship..everywhere!! Bad news .. It's about $35 shipping cost for this family size $16 jar to ship to good ol' VA. Oh goodness. I think my heart just broke. I don't think I can make myself pay $51 for a cupcake.. Even if the apple pie flavor sounds amazing.

So my blogger friends.. If you just so happen to go there and pick me up one .. that'd be nice ;)


Nicole :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

ABC ...All about me :)

I found this super cute ABC post over at Fierce, Fit and Fabulous's blog !!

I can't even remember how I stumbled on her blog.. but it's so cute!

A. Age: 24
B. Bed size: California king... love a big bed!
C. Chore you hate: I loathe folding clothes. Don't mind the kitchen, love to vacuum (weird!), but just can't stand folding clothes!!
D. Dogs: Chocolate lab that I absolutely adore.
E. Essential start to your day: Cuddling with my daughter.
F. Favorite color: Depends on the season! Orange, purple, pink.
G. Gold or silver: Mostly silver .. although the "ghetto gold" has been known to make some appearances ;)
H. Height: 5'2
I. Instruments you play: Uhh.. :/
J. Job title: Property Management. Love.My.Job
K. Kids: One amazing 4yr old!
L. Live: Good ol' VA.
M. Mom’s name: Vicki
N. Nicknames: Nikki
O. Overnight hospital stays: When I had Natalia!
P. Pet peeve: Lying.
Q. Quote from a movie: I have a few. "And we were dressed from head to toe in love... the only label that never goes out of style" Sex and the City.
R. Righty or Lefty: Lefty
S. Siblings: One older brother, one younger sister.
T. Time you wake up: 7 on weekdays.
U. Underwear: Own at least 100+
V. Vegetables you dislike: Actually love veggies! Have to say the only thing I can think of is brussel sprouts. GROSS!
W. What makes you run late: Bahahah everything!
X. X-rays you’ve had: Broken fingers last year.
Y. Yummy food you make: Lots of italian!!
Z. Zoo animal favorite: Seahorse.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vacation Anyone?!

So i'm thinking that this fall/early winter we should take a vacation. Natalia will be in *anxiety already building up saying the word* kindergarten .... So it can't be something that's super long or anything.. but maybe 5 days.

Where should we go? We're already thinking of taking her on a Disney cruise next spring on her spring break so don't really want to do the cruise thing again.. although I love them so it wouldn't be too much for me ;)

Maybe a long trip to NYC??! Anyone that knows me knows how much I love that city. It's only about a 7hour drive, but I much rather take the 30 minute plane ride that only cost about $100!
Hubbs thought I was a weirdo when I told him that I just love stepping off the plane and smelling the city! The food, the lights, the SHOPPING :) Not to mention all the things that we could do!

Maybe Florida? We went there we were first starting dating for about a week with my best friend & her bf. Her bf worked at a resort here in Virginia so he got us a 2 bedroom condo in Orlando for literally next to nothing. We went all over the place that week... Orlando beach, Cocoa beach--pretty much a different beach each day. But... it wouldn't be that warm there unless we went to Miami ....

Anyone? Idea's?!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Where did January go?!!

Is it already midway to March?! Where in the world did the beginning of 2011 go?!

Well, so starters we were SO busy helping my sister pack & shop, pack & more shop..and did I mention shop ;) She was off to her very 1st house with her hubby-to- be!

Too bad they weren't moving up the street from us or my parents... They moved a whole 7 hours away. Tragic. I spent 5 days helping her unpack and we did some more shopping and spent some time in their new city.

I have to say... although Charleston, South Carolina is not home- I'm glad she's in this nice place. It's beautiful! & the best part is that they should only be there the next year and a half. Then her hubbs will be a nuclear engineer and hopefully they will be back here :)

So, I'm back to the blogging world.. I missed it !!


Mrs. W