Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mini Vaca!

Ah, the joy of having a nice mini vacation! Instead of the norm 3 day weekend I took a 5 day weekend :) Where did I spend it?

Charleston, South Carolina!

Ever since I first visited while helping my little sister move there with her hubby I am in love with this new place! The shopping, the beaches, everything! It's definitely my new fav vacation spot since it's only 6.5 hours away!

My parents, my nephew, Natalia and I headed there early Friday afternoon to spend the holiday weekend with my sister and her hubs!
Here they are hanging out on the beach. Totally love them!

We did just about everything while there.. shopped and pool 2 days in a row, did some golfing and hit up a local fun park where I practiced my baseball hitting...in a dress of course!

I wish Hubbs could have been there..but someone has to be out there protecting our freedom! Love you babe :)

How was your 3 day weekend!? I've gotta hit the Tivo before bed. I've missed some addicting real housewives of NJ/NY shows the last 2 weeks!! By the way, if you watch... Which city is your favorite?!


  1. looks like a great time!!! anytime with family, beach and shopping is an incredible time to me!

    i don't really care for the NJ/NY housewives ... but if i had to choose, i would say the NY wives are a lil less annoying, haha.

  2. I love Charleston! I've only been once but I could go back many times! Glad you had a good long weekend!
