Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Military wife rant!

Why is it that some women decide that making the comment "I'd never be married to someone in the military" is a good thing to say to someone who IS married to a military man?????? Half of the time I don't ask why because frankly almost all the responses are generally identical. If you catch me on a good day about it and I decide to let you express your opinions- "They are gone all the time," "Almost all military men cheat," "You have to move everywhere." I usually go into a pre-programmed slew of explaining each and every comment.

What I would really like to do is tell these women that if you don't trust your significant other completely - you probably have issues whether or not they are even in the military...
I would point out the ignorance of the statement "they are gone all the time." Yes, they leave on deployments every other year, or every two years - but this is not the definition of "all the time"

What I would really like to tell them is that my amazing husband fights, protects, and stands up for what they get- their freedom. I don't talk about what their husbands do. I fully know and appreciate every career field out there.. please do the same!

Being a military wife definitely makes me a stronger woman & makes me love my husband even more. Hubbs is my hero ♥


  1. ugh, so people really have no tact. sorry that you had to hear that. thank you to you and your husband!

  2. AMEN! There are so many times when everyone's like, "What does your fiance do?...Oh, he's in the military. So does he kill people?" It always amazes me how ignorant some people are when it comes to the military. You'd think that the people fighting for our freedom would get more recognition and that people would pay more attention to what the military actually does, but that's not always the case.
