Saturday, November 27, 2010

SO tired!

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I had such a fun time hanging out with family and friends!
Wednesday night Hubbs and I headed to his parents (about an 1 1/2 drive) to spend the evening and eat a yummy thanksgiving breakfast before driving back home. Natalia stayed with my parents Wednesday night to help my mom do all her amazing baking for the big day.

The food was great, and the company was fabulous!

Pretty soon after my best friend & I decided to join every other crazy person out standing in line to shop! Both of our moms joined us soon after. We waited in line.. talked .. waited .. talked some more .. laughed a lot and finally got to shop! We stayed out till about 5am when I started feeling like a walking zombie before I just had to quit!!

It took me almost a whole day just to catch up on my much needed sleep! I guess I just didn't get enough because today I headed out for more shopping! This time I got some really neat Christmas decorations! I'll post some pics when I get the tree and everything up!!

How was your weekend??!!

Mrs. W


  1. did you score any good deals?!

    last year i did the black Friday thing but didn't do it this year ... i kinda wish i did.

    sounds like a great weekend! :)

  2. I did score some really good ones!
